Articles in the following categories will be published: original articles, review articles, case reports, editorials, and letters to the Editor related to radiation oncology, medical oncology, nutrition and cancer, alternative therapies, palliative therapy.
The Journal adheres to the ethical guidelines for research and publication described in Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals ( and Guidelines on Good Publication ( Conflict-of-Interest StatementThe corresponding author must inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest. Statement of Informed ConsentCopies of written informed consent and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for clinical research should be kept. If necessary, the editor or reviewers may request copies of these documents to resolve questions about IRB approval and study conduct.(3 Statement of Human and Animal RightsAll human investigations must be conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. All studies involving animals must state that the guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals of the authors’ institution, or any national law, were followed. All submitted manuscripts should be original and should not be considered by other scientific journals for publication at the same time.
Manuscript submission is only available via E-mail
Peer revıew process: The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and its clinical and scientific significance. An initial decision will normally be made within 1-4 weeks of receipt of a manuscript, and the reviewers’ comments are sent to the corresponding authors by E-mail. Revised manuscripts must be submitted e-mail by the corresponding author. The corresponding author must indicate the alterations that have been made in response to the referees’ comments item by item.
Manuscrıpt preparatıon: General GuidelineThe main document with manuscript text and tables should be prepared with an MS-word programs.
The manuscript should be written in 12-point font with double-line
Language: Manuscripts must be written in clear English or Turkish.. The use of acronyms and abbreviations is should be kept to a minimum. When used, they are to be defined where first used, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Drug and chemical names should be stated in standard chemical or generic nomenclature. Units of measure should be presented according to the SI units (e.g., Gy, Sv, Bq, m, kg, L).(3) Reporting Guidelines for Specific Study DesignsFor the specific study design, such as randomized control studies, studies of diagnostic accuracy, meta-analyses, observational studies and non-randomized studies, it is recommended that the authors follow the reporting guidelines listed in the following table
Original articles are reports of basic or clinical investigations. The manuscript for an original article should be organized in the following sequence: title, abstract and keywords, text (introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion), conflicts of interest, acknowledgments (if necessary), references, tables, and figures.
After title: Authors and each author's name (first name, middle name, and surname) followed by the highest academic degree (e.g., Gil Dong Hong, MD).The name of department (s) and institution (s) where the work was conducted. If the authors' affiliation is different, indicate individual departments and institutions by inserting a superscript letter immediately after the author's name, and the same letter in front of the appropriate institution.Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these. Complete mailing address, telephone, and E-mail for correspondence and reprints.
Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should be no more than 450 words, and describe concisely, in a paragraph, Purpose or background, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion or discussion. keywords should be listed below the abstract. Text
Text should be include sufficient details of the research design, subjects, and methods. Sufficient details need to be addressed in the methodology section of an experimental study so that it can be further replicated by others. The sources of special chemicals or reagents should be given along with the source location (name of the company, city, state/province, and country). If needed, information on the institutional review board/ethics committee approval or waiver and informed consent are included. Methods of statistical analysis and criteria for statistical significance should be described. Conflicts of Interest
All potential conflicts of interest must be stated within the text of the manuscript, under this heading.
References: In the text, references should be cited with Arabic numerals in brackets, numbered in the order cited. In the references section, the references should be numbered in order of appearance in the text and listed in English. List all authors less than 6, after 6 authors, should be ad et al. Publishers.Journal articles:
1. Yu JI, Park HC, Choi DH. Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, et al. Prospective phase II trial of regional hyperthermia and whole liver irradiation for numerous chemorefractory liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Radiat Oncol J 2016;34:34-44.
2. Childs SK, Kozak KR, Friedmann AM. Proton radiotherapy for parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma: clinical outcomes and late effects. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 Mar 4 [Epub].
3. Abeloff MD, Armitage JO, Niederhuber JE, Kastan MB, McKenna WG. Abeloff's clinical oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone; 2008.
4. Jain RK, Kozak KR. Molecular pathophysiology of tumors. In: Halperin EC, Perez CA, Brady LW, editors. Perez and Brady's principles and practice of radiation oncology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008. p. 126-41.
Conference paper:
5. Medin PM, Foster RD, von der Kogel, Sayre J, Solberg TD. Spinal cord tolerance to reirradiation with radiosurgery: a swine model. In: 52th ASTRO Annual Meeting; 2010 Oct 31 - Nov 11; San Diego, CA, USA. Farifax, VA: ASTRO; 2010.
Each table should be typed at the end of the paper. The title of the table should be on top placed and. Tables are numbered in order of citation in the text.
Each figure should be typed at the end of the paper. The title of the figure should be on top placed and numbered in order of citation in the text. PowerPoint file, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG or EPS. The figures should be sized to column width (8.5 cm or 17.5 cm). If figures are not original, author must contact each publisher to request permission and this should be remarked on the footnote the figure. (e.g., Fig. 1, Fig. 1A-C, Figs. 1 and 2).
Case report should be organized in the following sequence: title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, case report(s), discussion, conflicts of interest, acknowledgments (if necessary), references, tables, and figure legends.
Letters to the Editor should include brief constructive comments that concern previously published papers. Letters to the Editor should be no more two pages. It should have maximum 10 references, 2 table and 2 figure.
Review article: Constitutes Abstract, introduction, discussion sections
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