Aims and scope Journal of Radiation Oncology and Palliation encompasses research that treatment of cancer using radiation. It publishes issues in radiation oncology, radiobiology, radiation physics, radiation technology, clinical oncology, palliative, holistic, and alternative therapies.The field of radiation oncology covers the integration of radiation therapy into multimodal treatment approaches. Journal of Radiation Oncology and Palliation provides an open access publishing for researchers and clinicians involved in the management, palliation and treatment of cancer patients,
Flash Radiation therapy: It is a new method that reduces toxicity of RT while increasing its effects. It has radiobiological advantages since the RT dose is given in a single fraction whith very short time such as a few seconds, therefore negative effects arising from patient movements are also minimized.
VOLUMETRIC ARC RADIATION THERAPY: The volumetric arc or image guided Intensive Modulated Radiation Therapy or IG IMRT radiation treatments schould be warranted if we want to maximal safe to organs at risk or second therapies for palliation especially lung, liver, gastrointestinel etc . tumors
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